Meet The Author
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Rick Kurtis is a prolific writer with books for all ages to enjoy. Growing up on a farm on the outskirts of Columbus, Wisconsin, Rick’s imagination always ventured to the extreme. He began writing at age fourteen, and people praised his unique talent.
But as life went on, he had to put work and family first, and most of his stories sat in a drawer or never left his mind. Now his life has calmed, and Rick Kurtis can finally let the words flow out from his pen and onto the page once again! He started his career by writing stories for his grandchildren, so they could learn to read an adventure with their very own name and likeness as the hero. They enjoyed it so much that he decided to expand, and started writing full books for everyone to enjoy. One day, Rick hopes to become a renowned author and screenplay writer. He wants to share his ideas with the world and bring a smile to as many faces as possible. His motto is "A child's happiness comes first." When he's not writing, Rick works as a humble porter in the Las Vegas McCarren airport, and enjoys a leisurely home life with his wife, and their pet cat, Vader. He enjoys building things in his backyard, like a mini golf course and a castle play house. He has even built a 16 ft tall replica of the Twin Towers. But he is almost always writing nowadays! Currently, he has over fifty-seven books in the works waiting for families to read, along with three screenplays. Buy your copy today on Amazon or Kindle books, and help by sharing the good news with all your friends. |